Friday, 20 December 2013


Anxiety all of us have that but we have different levels of anxiety. I have come into my point in my life that I couldn't go out anymore nor sleep peacefully because of my anxiety.

Fear that we have it is because of what we have experience in our life. This emotion affects our psychological, emotional and wellbeing.

There is on part though within us that fear cannot affect and that is our spiritual being. Why? Simple because the Holy Spirit makes this part of us alive.

Have you sought in prayer to the Lord what is your purpose in life? Are confident that the place your are in right now and the people surround are the ones in line with that purpose?

So many people around the world suffer from needless stress, worry and anxiety because they are in place with people God never intended for them!

Do you know that prayers transfer whatever burden we have to the Lord? If you’ve prayed and surrender all your burden and sufferings to God and you are still carrying that burden afterwards, you didn’t entrust whole heartedly to God you did not really pray: you just griped.

Now a days many people think I am crazy because of the way I speak. When I hear people complain about their problems and worries I tell them please pray entrust and surrender it to God. They will give me an answer, “I have already prayed, but ......” 

The more anxious you are, the more you need to redirect that energy into prayers and praise. Double the anxiety? Then double your prayer.

Our Lord listen to our call, answer to our pain we only have to give it all to him surrender it all to him. Always pray with a humble and thankful heart because everything that we have in our life is a result of God’s supply. 

He is the ultimate source, not money, possession, job, career, clothing, relationship or anything else. Once this fact because reality to you, the God’s peace will sustain you and liberate you from all your anxieties.

Like the scripture in the bible Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”